Tildahealth Care: The Care You Want - When And Where You Need It

We appreciate the value of diversity and actively carry out work practices that encourage diversity to thrive at our organisation. Although there are infinite differences between individuals such as gender, race, and age, we also recognise that these differences result in a rich variety of valuable and unique perspectives that are culturally enriching and beneficial to both our carers and clients.

At Tilda healthcare, we have made ourselves responsible for diversity and inclusion by encouraging a work culture that values all employee’s contributions without despising the trends and individual cultural values thereby enabling an environment where individuals excel by contributing in inclusive, collaborative teams.

Tilda Healthcare recognizes and actively promotes the benefits of a diverse workforce and is committed to treating all employees with dignity and respect regardless of race, gender, disability, age, marital or civil partnership status or transgender status, sexual orientation, religion, or belief.

We outrightly understand that Inclusion in the workplace is all about understanding and respect. We are committed to giving everyone a voice, attracting, and developing diverse talent, and seeing individual differences as an opportunity for innovation and growth.

Tilda Healthcare is a work environment where everyone feels accepted, where different behaviours and social norms are welcomed and respected, and where everyone is part of the decision-making process.