Tildahealth Care: The Care You Want - When And Where You Need It

What is Respite Care?

Respite care is planned or emergency temporary care provided to caregivers of a child or adult. Respite programs provide planned short-term and time-limited breaks for families and other unpaid caregivers of children with developmental delay or behavioral problems, and adults with an intellectual disability or cognitive loss in order to support and maintain the primary caregiving relationship. Respite also provides a positive experience for the person receiving care. Many families take great joy in providing care to their loved ones so that they can remain at home, the physical, emotional, and financial consequences for the family caregiver can be overwhelming without some support, such as respite. Respite provides a break for the family caregiver, which benefits their health.

Do I Need Respite Care?

At Tildahealth care services we believe that most caregivers would benefit from respite care, whether it’s for a few hours or a few weeks. Our Respite care service helps provide a break for live-in caregivers including family members or professionals. Caregivers may need respite care for just long enough to run important errands, or they might need help to care for their loved ones while they’re out of town for several days or weeks.
We provide personalized services that are tailored to accommodate our client’s individual care needs and situations. As a rule, respite care professionals are responsible for keeping the person in their care safe and healthy. Depending on the client, this might include:

  • Household tasks assistance: Assist clients complete everyday chores, such as laundry and meal preparation, and other chores requested by our clients.
  • Dressing and bathing assistance: Assist clients with bathing, dressing, using the bathroom, and other essential daily tasks as daily needed by the client.
  • All-round medical care: Help with prescription pick up, wound dressing, and performing basic medical care. We also provide respite care professionals who can handle more medically complex clients.

How Often Do I Need Respite Care?

First, we recommend you start by analyzing both your needs and those of your loved one. Make a list of the time of things you need most help with, and the type of assistance you think you can benefit most from. Ask yourself these questions; Do you need free time? Help with transportation? What are your loved one’s requirements? Medication management? Mental stimulation? Assistance with eating, walking, and dressing?

Next, consider your schedule and any activities or hobbies you want to make time for. Maybe you want to resume a new job, rejoin the sports league, or need your Sundays off to spend more time with your kids? Or perhaps you want to transition back to full-time work, so you need care during the day for your mom or dad. Whatever your needs are, our respite care professionals are available to listen and work collaboratively to devise a respite care plan that provides the care you want, when and where you need it.

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