Tildahealth Care: The Care You Want - When And Where You Need It

A fully trained caregiver will live with you in your own home if you choose live-in care. Your live-in caregiver will assist you with your individual needs, allowing you to remain safe, comfortable and supported in the familiarity of your own home.

Our live-in companions and carers assist with:

  • Personal Care
  • Special Medical Assistance
  • Nutritional and dietary requirements
  • Support and Companionship
  • Housekeeping and other household chores

Live-in care offers you continuous, round-the-clock care from a dedicated caregiver who lives with you in your home and is available to provide a hand whenever you need it. We understand how difficult it can be to support or care for a loved one who requires assistance. As a result, live-in care is centered around your individual needs, routines, and preferences.

Benefits of Live-in-care

  •  A comfortable setting
    The single most essential benefit of live-in care is in the name: your loved one can live in the home they know and love. It means they won’t have to deal with the stress of relocating to a new and unfamiliar area, but the benefits go beyond that. It’s all about the familiar: their comfortable bed, their coffee mug, the kitchen table where they do the crossword, and the armchair where they watch their favorite television series and soaps. These elements may appear insignificant, but are a part of their daily routine and can have a significant impact on their mental health and well-being.
  • Routines are important.
    It can be tough and painful to modify a pattern after a lifetime of routine. This is especially true in cases of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, where sticking to a schedule has been shown to help people live independently for longer periods of time.
    Living at home allows your loved one to follow their own schedule rather than one dictated by a care facility’s routine. Hobbies, outings, and favorite radio shows can all be enjoyed, and if they want a later meal, no problem.
  • Care that is adaptable
    Home care can be customized to meet your loved one’s specific needs. If their function deteriorates and they require greater assistance with self-care, incontinence, or tube feeding, the appropriate care can be supplied. You can contact us at a home touch to inquire about caregivers who have the necessary expertise, abilities, and training to handle complex care needs. We can assist you in weighing the advantages of live-in care against all of your other options.
  •  Friends and family
    A person’s community can be uprooted when they enter residential care. Neighbors, family, and friends can simply drop by for a chat or a cup of tea when you stay at home.
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